Saturday, 20 March 2010

Political praying

I get a lot of news and prayer requests for politicians, and events in the public arena but the ones I find most difficult are those who concentrate attention on moral issues usually around 'family issues' and sexual ethics to the exclusion of equally or possibly more important issues.
Thus the most recent prayer for Scottish Parliament news referred to the debate at the recent Scottish Liberal Democrat conference legalising same-sex marriage and heterosexual Civil Partnerships in the interests of equality, which had been proposed by Liberal Youth, at a not well attended debate on a Sunday morning, and is unlikely to make an earth shattering addition to Party policy. All the rest of the debates, which were concerned with a fairer society and sustainable economy and included environmental issues, and concern particularly for the poor the sick and unemployed somehow escaped their notice, -yet these are all concerns for those of us who are disciples of Jesus. The judgemental attitude sounds more like the Pharisees who were always challenging Jesus on their laws rather than learning to love God and see that loving relationships should be the basis for life.

A major concern these days is about honesty and integrity in public life which gets little prayer attention--

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