This is the question Jim Wallis is asking.
First there is the extraordinary publicity given to one religious extremist threatening to burn the Koran publicly unless the plan to build a mosque near the site in New York of the 9/11 tragedy and second the demonstrations of opposition to the building of a Mosque and of a place of peace by moderate Muslims leaders who had nothing to do with acts of terrorism which killed so many on 9/11.
'If Jones and his followers go through with their plans to burn the Quran, they might as well burn some Bibles too, because they are already destroying the teachings of Jesus. Jesus called his followers to be peacemakers, and to love not only their neighbors, but also their enemies; instead Jones and his church have decided to become agents of conflict and division. Jones needs someone to tell him that Americans should not judge all Muslims by the actions of a small group of terrorists -- and I hope somebody tells Muslims around the world not to judge Christians, or all of America, by the actions of a radical fringe like the members of Dove World Outreach Center.'
On the other aspect of this issue he writes:
'When the story first broke in The New York Times this past December, it was met with little interest. The fact that a moderate Muslim leader, who had lived and worked in the community of lower Manhattan for 25 years, was planning to build a community center was not considered controversial. Unfortunately, there were those who saw this as a political opportunity to create conflict and division and stir up ideological passions by distorting Imam Feisal's mission and purpose. He told the nation last night that if he had ever imagined that his plans would cause this much hurt and distress, he never would have proposed building the center at that location.' more
It is so sad that religious extremists are given such power when the majority of people of faith want to live together in peace with understanding. By reacting violently do we not give people of violence more power? Instead emotions are stirred (deliberately?) and everyone from President down is involved in this controversy and hatred and violence ensue in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Just as in the USA,where millions of Muslims are judged by the actions of a few terrorists, so here in the UK there is a danger that the institution of the Roman Catholic Church is being judged by the evil that a minority of its members have done. Those who have been wronged, who are hurting need to be listened to, truth and honesty and justice given and forgiveness too. And there is a need to turn back humbly to following the King, neither Pope nor Archbishop but the One who rules over all.
QUOTE for reflection
'We came to have a peaceful conversation with the pastor, to hear his grievance, to ask him to follow his own Scripture about his enemies. His Scripture teaches him to love his enemies."
- Imam Muhammad Musri, president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, after meeting with preacher Terry Jones, whose church is planning to burn copies of the Quran on Saturday. (Source: USA Today)
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